A guide to their many uses

Tales of Terror

Fairy Tales


A Modern Anthology

Immigrant Tales

And so much more...
Crowding into my mind are other favourites: R K Narayan and his Malgudi Days, O Henry whose stories include The Gift of the Magi, the vet James Herriott and his tales of Favourite Dog Stories, and Maeve Binchy with her uplifting This Year It Will be Different. So many choices to explore and experience!
For the time being, here’s a shout-out to short-story writers who take brevity and wit, add their unique thought and insight, and create a lasting enjoyment for their readers!
Karuna Luthar is a freelance writer on anything that catches her imagination. Her motto is ‘Grey hair, grey cells’, signifying her belief that growing older brings with it the enthusiasm to explore old and new delights in every aspect of life. Karuna’s other passion is mentoring social enterprises to improve their impact and effectiveness, an area she has actively participated in throughout her career. She is a long-standing Board Member for the India arm of international NGO Operation Eyesight and previously spent a number of years in the corporate sector, working with international banks and consulting companies.