Does the blank page overwhelm you? Here’s why it shouldn’t
1. There is no need to use big words Many people are under the impression that using complex words is the sign of a good writer. This incorrect assumption often hinders aspiring writers from putting their first word down on the page, thinking that they’re not good enough if they don’t write in a certain way. Thus, we tend to forget that the real essence of writing is not really to impress but to get our message across. As such, it doesn’t really make sense to stress too much on using complicated language and jargon which readers won’t understand. In fact, doing so may leave other readers feeling left behind and thus only end up creating (rather than breaking) barriers. So don’t let this mindset intimidate you. Be you and just write.
2. Less is more People tend to think that more is better and are thus, often overwhelmed with the blank page in front of them. They end up either filling the page with a lot of fluff, or worse, not writing anything at all. In both cases, the writer misses the opportunity of delivering his/ her message effectively. This just shows that it doesn’t really make sense to pressure ourselves about lengthening our paragraphs. So, instead of stressing too much on writing more words, focus your energy on getting your point across in a concise, yet powerful way. You’ll be surprised how you much more you can say. Don’t worry about the blank space under. Just write.
3. Your style is the best style It’s always hard to try and be someone else. But it’s always easy to be you. Just write. Don’t overthink. Writing shouldn’t be as complicated as you think.
By Krishna Dela Paz —————————
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