Hi, I’m Lina LitFest, the new mascot for the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature. If you’ve ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes at your favourite literature festival, look no further!Lina: What exactly does the Head of Communications do? I create the overall strategy and manage all communications and marketing for the Emirates Literature Foundation. This includes organising interviews, creating and managing interview schedules, overlooking the annual creative campaigns, running the press office at the Festival and sharing highlights and exciting news with the media.
Lina: What’s a typical day for you? To be honest, there’s no such thing! It’s always varied, always exciting! I check emails in the morning, meet various journalists around the city and co-ordinate interviews with authors. Some days include budget creation, other days include brainstorming with the team on effective messaging. I can go from number-crunching to creative out-of-the-box, but I do need a few minutes to readjust my thinking!
Lina: Who are you most looking forward to seeing at #EAFOL16? This is always a difficult question, off the top of my head I would say Chris Hadfield… A C Grayling for sure… Saud AlSanousi, Joe Wicks, John Agard and Maha Gargash.
Lina: Tell me about your favourite book. It’s so hard to choose one all-time favourite book… Can I say this week?! I want to say
The Bamboo Stalk by Saud AlSanousi because I’m reading it at the moment and it’s such a good book! All-time favourites include East of Eden (John Steinbeck), To Kill a Mockingbird (Harper Lee), 1984 (George Orwell) and We Are All Completely Beside Ourselves (Karen Joy Fowler).
Lina: If you could be any character in a book, who would you be? Alice, from
Alice in Wonderland because she goes on amazing adventures!