Q. Which other EAFOL 2016 participant are you most excited about? The EAFOL 2016 program is particularly rich, mainly from an Italian point of view. It is quite closed in comparison to such vast various cultures vast but "related" to each other. I think the hosting city has always been a crossroad for travelers and cultures: Dubai is a perfect cultural hub.
Q. Which book(s) are you reading now? I am reading all Marilyn Robinson, Annie Ernaux, George Saunders, Beppe Fenoglio and Garth Risk Hallberg.
Q. Which literary character would you invite to dinner? And why? Oh, mio dio. Moltissimi! Comincerei con Mickey Sabbath, protagonista del teatr di Sabbath, per la sua ironia decadenza e la sua brillantezza cinica. E sicuramente Emma Bovary, vorrei chiederle se rifarrebbe tutto quello che ha fatto. E infine Edmond Dantes, con il conte di Montecristo vorrei chiacchierare di Faria e dell'evasione dal Castello d'If. Oh my God, a lot! I will start with Mickey Sabbath, protagonist of the
Sabbath Theatre, for his irony, decadence and his brilliant cynicism. I would definitely like to ask Emma Bovary if she would do again all what she has done. Finally, Edmond Dantès of
The Count of Monte Cristo.
Q. There have been some interesting additions to the dictionary over the years. Which word would you remove? I would like to remove all the wording related to technology and add other synonyms of ‘silence’, ‘slow’, ‘look’, ‘confrontation’.
Q. Who would write/ illustrate the story of your life? One upon a time, there was a boy who started reading books only at 20 years old and after that, he never stopped reading. While he was reading and reading, he started writing. He was born in the city of Federico Fellini, and when he was a child, he wanted to work at the circus. His first story was published nearly by chance and won, also by chance, one of the most important prizes in Italy. Since then, that boy has never stopped writing. Now, 12 years later, he will participate at the literary festival most important and vital in this world: EAFOL 2016.