Q. Which other EAFOL 2016 participant are you most excited about? I am really excited to have the opportunity to meet such a diversity of writers but especially pleased to meet Julie Lewis and Jo Simpson again. Both women are amazing speakers too. Since Nutrition and Entrepreneurship are subjects close to my heart I also look forward to meeting Annabel Karmel.
Q. Which book(s) are you reading now? I am re-reading
Feelings Buried Alive Never Die by Karol K Truman. A non-fiction book that draws the connection between the emotional body and the physical body. I love the way it is written and I can totally resonate with it.
Q. Which literary character would you invite to dinner? And why? Julian Mantle, the main character in
The Monk who sold his Ferrari by Robin Sharma. This was one of the first books I read on my personal development journey (several years ago) so it holds a special place in my memory. I’d be intrigued to hear Julian speak about his spiritual crisis – his journey from being a high profile lawyer to living a life of simplicity, symbolism and finding purpose.
Q. There have been some interesting additions to the dictionary over the years. Which word would you remove? I wouldn’t remove any words because words and language evolves with time. Whilst there may be resistance to some ‘new’ words they are always a reflection of change and of what’s happening in the world.
Q. Who would write/ illustrate the story of your life? ‘
No one can tell your story so tell it yourself, no one can write your story so write it yourself’ - the answer therefore is Liz Keaney. The story of my life would be called
Mangoes, Mayhem and Magnificence. Perhaps I’ve just created a new book title for myself? Maybe it could become a movie too - Meryl Streep can play me!