Q. Which other EAFOL 2016 participant are you most excited about? Impossible to say. I'm looking forward to catching up with authors I have met before and I'm really excited to listen to new voices too. I can't wait. It will be such a unique opportunity to hear new ideas and share stories from around the world. I feel very, very fortunate to be invited to attend.
Q. Which book(s) are you reading now? Margaret Atwood,
The Handmaid's Tale (listening to on audiobooks) and reading the
Soul of an Octopus by Sy Montgomery.
Q. Which literary character would you invite to dinner? And why? I would invite all of the Moomins… because there would be fireside storytelling, much merriment, friendship and the promise of an adventure.
Q. There have been some interesting additions to the dictionary over the years. Which word would you remove? I wouldn't remove any, because words are a record of our history and the evolution of language. If anything, I would like to add some more.
Q. Who would write/ illustrate the story of your life? Am I allowed to bring someone from the past? Because if I were allowed to ask anyone, I would ask Sir Peter Scott to illustrate the story of my life. As a child I loved his illustrations in Paul Gallico's story,
The Snow Goose. Scott managed to capture the wildness and beauty in landscape, animals and people. His illustrations inspired me to become a reader. However, if he were alive today, I'm sure he would be too busy with conservation work.