What are you most looking forward to at the 2016 Festival? #EAFoL16 will be an amazing event. You can’t imagine how thrilled I am to have the chance to meet so many creative people under the same roof. It’s a bonus to be speaking and interacting in delegate workshops too.
When did you realise you wanted to be a writer? When I was about 12, I remember my school teacher telling me I had the potential to write a book but, to be honest, I had forgotten about that until a few years ago. It was in a quieter moment of self-reflection that I suddenly visualised my name on the front cover of a book; from then onwards I felt compelled to write. As I started writing I kept meeting ‘real’ women who had personal stories of inspiration - I just knew these women were meant to be part of 'Warrior Women' too.
What book do you find yourself re-reading most often? Oh that’s a hard question because I have so many favourites. My preferred books are non-fiction. I love reading about health and nutrition, personal development, emotional intelligence, mind mastery, energy psychology, ancient wisdom and spirituality. I tend to be impulsive and use my intuition to reach for the right book at the right time.
If you weren’t a writer, what would you be? Well, these days, as well as being a writer I am also a professional speaker and a lifestyle coach helping women find their ‘Inner Magnificence’. This is my passion – what I was ‘meant to be’, but if I wasn’t doing this I would be an artist (a skill yet to nurture!)
And finally, we have a number of aspiring writers attending the Festival. What one piece of advice would you give them? Get started. Get your words out of your head and onto paper or your computer. As the saying goes…’you don’t have to see the whole stairway to take the first step’. Ask other people for feedback but don’t wait until everything is perfect before you start to get your work out there. Learn from the best but always maintain your own unique style – your individuality is special.