What are you most looking forward to at the 2016 Festival?I suppose I’m looking forward to seeing more of Dubai and exploring its culture. Also, it is always stimulating to meet lots of other writers – and readers! When did you realise you wanted to be a writer? I have always been a writer. As a child I drew cartoons and created my own comic books. Then, when I became interested in pop music, I created a band in my head and on paper – writing their lyrics, planning their tours, and populating my fictional music chart with other bands! What book do you find yourself re-reading most often? Probably Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, a slender book that asks big questions about morality and the human condition. If you weren’t a writer, what would you be? Well, I would like to be a rock star. Sadly, I think I am too old to change careers though. Maybe more realistically I would be a university professor. And finally, we have a number of aspiring writers attending the Festival. What one piece of advice would you give them? You need to write a lot – write something down every single day. You will fall in love with words.