What are you most looking forward to at EAFOL16? I am looking forward to having the opportunity to share my work alongside and be treated as an equal to a lot of people who influenced me massively growing up. I have a couple of authors in particular that I am desperate to meet but in an effort of maintaining the illusion of keeping my cool while I am there I won’t mention any names!
Why do you think literary festivals are important? I get completely overwhelmed by the world of literature. I think anywhere that can bring together people completely at the top of such a vast field and help guide people towards the gems they may or may not discover by themselves can only be a good thing. Also the conversations that arise from having so many great minds the same place make it worth it alone.
Can you share one line from a book or poem that has stayed with you for the longest time? From Danny, Champion of the World: I was glad my father was an eye-smiler. It meant he never gave me a fake smile, because it's impossible to make your eyes twinkle if you aren't feeling twinkly yourself. Granted I did have to look it up to get the full quote and it goes on to more detail but the concept of not being able to fake a smile with your eyes stuck with me ever since i first read it.
You have to make a book tower of at least 5 books for your nightstand. Which ones would you choose?Hold your Own by Kate Tempest,
Nobody Told Me by Hollie McNish,
Humans by Matt Haig,
Sapians: A Brief History of Humankind because my girlfriend has been recommending it for over the last year now, and
The Simpsons and their Mathematical Secrets by Simon Singh.
In your opinion, what does 2016 hold for the world of literature? Hopefully a debut novel from Harry Baker!