Q. Which author are you most looking forward to seeing at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature? A. Michael Dobbs – Lord Dobbs of Wylye – is described in the programme as “Britain’s best-known political novelist, an active member of the House of Lords and a celebrated raconteur. He has enjoyed a ringside seat on many historic occasions. He was with Margaret Thatcher when she walked into Downing Street as Prime Minister and was with John Major when 18 years later he was lead out.” Who would not want to hear about the furious row he had with Margaret Thatcher that led him to write ‘House of Cards’?
Q. Which book do you currently have on your nightstand? A. ‘Five Point Someone’ by Chetan Bhagat. A very light read about three ‘duffers’ who struggle through their time at the prestigious Indian Institute of Technology. Their joy at being at such a prestigious school is quickly dulled by the sheer monotony of the academic work. Most of the book deals with their numerous attempts to beat the system and the love interest of one of the brethren. A smile before sleep!
Q. In the case of an apocalypse, which one book would you save? A. I Googled ‘How to Survive an Apocalypse’’, incredibly nothing useful came up but lots on killing zombies. Therefore ‘The SAS Survival Guide’ written by ex-Special Air Service survival expert John 'Lofty' Wiseman might come in handy.
Q. Which literary character do you most resemble? A. According to several online quizzes I took I am ‘Ulysses’! After 15 multiple-choice questions the quiz informed me that I am most like the hero in ancient Greek literature because: ‘You are renowned for your cunning wiles and fantastic plans. You’ve always got a trick up your sleeve. You are also a home-loving type and will do anything to protect your family.’ I was happy with that.
Q. What are your thoughts on e-books? A. What ever gets people reading is fine with me! I love audio books and buy several a month from the Audible stores in the UK and USA.
Q. Which author would you love to see at the Festival? And why? A. Malcolm Gladwell without a doubt. My wife read ‘Blink’ and told me it was a ‘must read’, it was and I have now all of his books. Throwing into a work situation a theory mined from his academic research and insights, from say “Outliers’ or ‘The Tipping Point’ has often been a conversation starter (or stopper). He also courts controversy and sparks debate in many diverse fields.