Young aspiring writer Fia is amazed by Holly Smale's story Of the events I attended at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature today, one in particular stood out from the rest. Interestingly, it was also the least crowded of the sessions I attended! I walked into Holly Smale’s
Geek Girl session knowing nothing of her or her books, but walked out amazed. Holly’s own personal story and the evolution of her heroine, Harriett, was both relatable and touching; she made me feel as if she were talking directly to me, like I was an old friend. As a fourteen-year-old aspiring author, I often find myself doubting my abilities. When Holly talked about herself as a kid and the many challenges she had to overcome on the road to becoming a best-selling author, I felt inspired. Holly made me feel like I could write anything in the world. I would love to see her come back and do a writer's workshop next year!