Nancy McNair is entranced by Chris Cleave's book and session at the Festival When Chris Cleave lovingly creates his novels, he is inspired to write ‘something about which you do not know the answer’, leaving his characters often to be ‘pushed to the edge of the human envelope’. This is what was revealed at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature session for
Everyone Brave is Forgiven, Chris’s fourth novel, set in 1939 London. What impressed us most at the session was Chris’s generosity; he was so sincere and gracious when speaking about his novels and was so interested in each question or comment that was put forward to him. Chris Cleave’s passion for character and historical detail leads him to write with such precision; drawing the reader into that time and place. It was a joy to have him read from his opening pages in the voice of Mary as she experiences her first day after signing up for duty at the London War Office. Chris Cleave manages to push his readers beyond their ‘normal experience’, especially with the characters he creates. With
Everyone Brave is Forgiven I look forward to that.