Festival Intern Amal Almidfa writes about being part of the literary world
It is funny how I ended up in a place I’d never thought existed for the things that I actually like to do - reading and writing. I’ve known about the numerous book clubs in the city but a whole festival dedicated to literature? Never came to my notice! Maybe it’s because I’ve got my nose buried in books. I am thrilled to have found a whole festival dedicated to books and am excited to experience the special events, workshops, film screenings and prize-givings! My name is Amal, and I am interning at the Emirates Airline Festival of Literature this year. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to attend the varied sessions at the Festival but I also have some favourites that I wouldn’t want to miss. On Wednesday March 9, the Gangnam Style Globalization session by Afshin Molavi - it’s a session that describes how the song Gangnam Style by Psy is an example of our ever-developing globalization, as the audiences who have absorbed this hit song from a country that isn’t necessarily theirs to begin with; who knew that the song’s choreography would be imitated by non-South Koreans? I’m also excited about another session, My Kind of Food: An Evening with John Torode, on the same day. You probably didn’t think that food would be involved in literary festival, but the good thing is that books aren’t only limited literature. Cookbooks are a guide to help yourself out in the kitchen as they’re written by professional chefs. My Kind of Food is like a textbook given to you by John Torode himself; now wouldn’t this session be like attending his own class? Sign me UP! And lastly, as a person who likes to write, I am glad that this festival has workshops meant to polish up writing skills, and there’s one I’m looking forward to the most. How to Write your Best Story Ever is on Friday March 11. It will be conducted by Christopher Edge who will be talking about building the plot and characterization of your story as it builds up to be fast-paced and exciting! Trust me, if you have a child interested in writing you’ll never go wrong with this workshop, as Christopher Edge is the author of the 12 Minutes to Midnight Series, which has been described as an inspiring piece of literature for children. Sure it’s a bit gloomy for a children’s book as it takes place in Victorian Britain, but the protagonist’s characterization and the originality of the plot makes it a must-read. This workshop will do wonders for your child and am I glad that it isn’t restricted to children.