EAFOL16 blogger Rebecca was inspired by the Climb Every Mountain session
Knowing Julie Lewis (I almost got into her book) I knew that this was going to be a great session for anyone harboring dreams and not living them. All three ladies are inspiring in their own individual ways and each has much to offer in terms of facing personal demons or climbing the mountains of life. Julie has led many expeditions not just to climb mountains but also going to the Arctic, Antarctic and even a pilgrimage hike in Spain. All her trips take women out of their comfort zones allowing people to reconnect with their inner magnificence (a Liz Kearney expression). Jo is a professional coach working within corporations where she feels white collar workers need much support as they try to align personal core values with corporate dynamisms. Listening to Liz you can really sense the wisdom of someone who has experienced deep despair and come out with extraordinary insight and gratitude. Overall, a very uplifting and inspiring discussion.